This week I have had someone ask me if they can pick up their puppy a couple days earlier than their take home date because it's more convenient for them. This week I had someone ask me if they could come and pick up a 14 day old puppy this weekend. This week I had someone ask me if they could pick up a puppy two weeks earlier than their take home date because of the holidays and on and on and on…………
The take home and shipping dates that I have posted on the website are not negotiable! No, you cannot pick up a puppy a day or two earlier because it's more convenient, no puppies cannot go home two weeks early because of the holidays, etc. The puppies need to go through a weaning process, they need to be weaned off of their mother's milk, they need to be vaccinated, and I need to be sure that they are healthy and eating/drinking on their own, this all takes time and cannot be interrupted. On top of all that I am a licensed breeder and I have rules to follow, in the state of Wisconsin puppies cannot leave until they are 7 week old when being picked up and 8 weeks old when being shipped, no exceptions, not even by a day. (There will always be people out there that will say that's too young, too old, etc. I didn't make the law, I follow it, and I will not let a puppy leave if I don't feel they are ready.)
Most of our puppies are adopted at a very early age and the families adopting them are immediately made aware of the take home/shipping dates that the puppies are ready on so please take that seriously and plan ahead to make that date a priority. There have been so many times that people have tried to change the date because they've wanted to make other plans and that makes me nervous because a new puppy is supposed to be a priority and if you can't make time in your life to pick them up when they are ready (when you've had several weeks notice) how are you going to make time for them in your life?
For current information about the Cockapoo Puppies we have for sale please visit our website at: